“Greyhound,” released in 2020 and directed by Aaron Schneider, is a thrilling war film set during the Battle of the Atlantic in World War II. Starring Tom Hanks, who also wrote the screenplay, the movie follows the journey of a US Navy commander, Captain Ernest Krause, as he leads a convoy of Allied ships across the treacherous North Atlantic, while being hunted by German U-boats.
What makes “Greyhound” remarkable is its focus on the often-overlooked aspect of naval warfare. Schneider expertly captures the tension and claustrophobia aboard the USS Keeling, code-named Greyhound, as Captain Krause and his crew face constant danger from unseen enemies beneath the waves. The film’s tight pacing and relentless suspense keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Tom Hanks delivers a compelling performance as Captain Krause, portraying him as a steadfast and determined leader grappling with the immense responsibility of protecting his convoy. Through Hanks’ nuanced portrayal, viewers witness the toll that command takes on Krause, both physically and emotionally, as he navigates the challenges of combat while wrestling with self-doubt and fear.
Visually stunning and meticulously researched, “Greyhound” transports audiences back to the harrowing days of the Battle of the Atlantic. The film’s attention to detail, from the authentic naval uniforms to the realistic depictions of naval tactics and technology, adds to its immersive quality, allowing viewers to experience the intensity of naval combat firsthand.