The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride (1998) is a direct-to-video sequel to The Lion King. Set after Simba becomes king, the story focuses on his daughter, Kiara, who is eager to explore beyond the Pride Lands. She meets Kovu, a young lion from the Outsiders, a pride loyal to Simba’s late uncle, Scar. Kovu is raised by Scar’s follower, Zira, to avenge his death and take Simba’s throne. Despite their growing bond, Simba disapproves of Kiara’s friendship with Kovu.
As Kovu begins to question his loyalty to Zira, he ultimately chooses to embrace Kiara’s values of love and unity over revenge. The film concludes with Kovu joining the Pride Lands, and peace is restored between the two prides. The Lion King II explores themes of love, redemption, forgiveness, and the breaking of cycles of hatred.