Redemption (2022)


Set in the midst of a heist during a major holiday, Detective Knight is called into action after a group of robbers, disguised as Santa Claus, target a store during Christmas Eve. Knight, who is nearing the end of his career and dealing with his own inner demons, must navigate through a web of crime and corruption. As the investigation unfolds, Knight’s past mistakes and troubled relationships resurface, and he finds himself at odds with both the criminals and the law.

Amid intense action sequences and moral dilemmas, Knight seeks redemption for the mistakes of his past, while confronting the criminals and bringing justice to those who have been wronged. The film is marked by its gritty atmosphere, as Knight tries to reconcile his personal demons with his duty as a police officer.

Detective Knight: Redemption combines action, suspense, and character-driven drama, with Bruce Willis bringing his signature tough-guy performance to the role of the disillusioned detective.

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