Strange Magic 2 (2025) is the highly anticipated sequel to the 2015 animated fantasy musical Strange Magic, picking up the captivating tale of the Fairy Kingdom and the Dark Forest. Years after the peace forged between these once-hostile realms, the love between Marianne, the fearless fairy princess, and the Bog King, the gruff ruler of the Dark Forest, has brought harmony to their worlds.
This fragile peace, however, is disrupted by the return of Zephyra, a powerful and resentful sorceress who was banished long ago. With dark magic and a desire for vengeance, Zephyra seeks to reclaim control over the Dark Forest, determined to spread chaos across both realms. Her sinister influence begins corrupting the hearts of fairies and creatures alike, forcing Marianne and the Bog King to unite once more to defend their kingdoms from impending disaster.
The film introduces new faces, such as Solis, a mysterious rogue fairy with a hidden agenda, and brings back beloved characters like Sunny and Dawn, who find themselves tested by the rising threat. Featuring grand battles, enchanting magic, and memorable musical performances, Strange Magic 2 delivers a heartwarming tale of love, unity, and resilience against the forces of darkness.