The Downrange (2017) is a gripping survival thriller that showcases the raw intensity of human resilience under extreme duress. Set in a desolate, isolated location, the film follows a group of friends who find themselves in a life-or-death situation after being ambushed by a sniper while stranded on a remote road. Combining the tension of a survival story with the suspense of a thriller, The Downrange is a fast-paced, high-stakes film that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
The story begins with six friends driving through a desolate stretch of highway in a rural part of the United States. As they make their way through the barren landscape, their car suddenly blows a tire, leaving them stranded on the side of the road. While attempting to fix the tire, the group comes under fire from an unseen sniper.
Trapped in the open, with no cover and no way of knowing where the shots are coming from, the friends must scramble to find shelter and figure out how to survive. The sniper continues to pick them off one by one, and the survivors are forced to confront their fears, adapt to their hostile surroundings, and do whatever it takes to outsmart the relentless shooter.
As tensions rise and desperation sets in, the characters struggle with trust, fear, and the primal instinct to survive. With every passing minute, the danger becomes more real, and the friends realize that escaping this nightmare will require more than just luck—it will take determination, courage, and quick thinking.