Unforgotten (2015)


Unforgotten is a compelling British crime drama series that first aired on ITV on October 8, 2015. Created and written by Chris Lang, with Andy Wilson directing, the series quickly captivated audiences with its nuanced storytelling, emotional depth, and intricate exploration of both the criminal justice system and human relationships. Combining the elements of a traditional crime drama with a focus on unresolved historical cases, Unforgotten offers more than just a typical detective series; it delves into the psychological and moral consequences of long-buried secrets coming to light.

At its core, Unforgotten revolves around cold cases—the mysterious deaths and disappearances that have haunted families and communities for decades. Each season focuses on a new historical case, often decades old, which is re-examined after new evidence or developments arise. The beauty of Unforgotten lies in how it mixes a traditional procedural investigation with an emotional, character-driven narrative. The show doesn’t just focus on uncovering the truth about the crime; it also places great emphasis on how the investigation affects the people involved, including the detectives, victims’ families, and those implicated by the case.

The series features two central characters: Detective Chief Inspector Cassie Stuart (played by Nicola Walker) and her partner, Detective Sergeant Sunny Khan (played by Sanjeev Bhaskar). The duo forms a brilliant investigative team, with their contrasting personalities bringing an extra layer of depth to the show. Cassie is empathetic, thoughtful, and highly methodical, but she also grapples with her own personal struggles, particularly regarding her family life and the emotional toll of her job. In contrast, Sunny is calm, collected, and often provides a stabilizing presence to the team. Together, they form a strong and relatable partnership, and their growing bond throughout the series adds an emotional richness to the investigation.


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